- Descripción
- Currículum
En este entrenamiento pasarás de “no se nada de trading” a “soy un trader rentable”. Contarás con una membresía de 6 meses y sesiones operativas en vivo de lunes a viernes
Bienvenido al mejor entreanmeinto de trading en el mercado de Indices Sinteticos.
2¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
3Tipos de mercadosSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?" before accessing it.
Seguramente ya has escuchado que existen diferentes tipos de mercado donde puedes hacer trading, pues hoy conocerás a cada uno de ellos.
4¿Que es Trading?Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?" before accessing it.
Ahora si vamos con uan explicación perfecta y definitiva de que el es trading
5Cualidades de un traderSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?" before accessing it.
Atentos a esta clase vas a saber que cualidades debe tener un trader
6Tipo de inversionistasSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?" before accessing it.
7ResumenSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "¿Qué son los Mercados Financieros?" before accessing it.
Hagamos una pausa para un resumen de todo lo aprendido hasta hora
8RecomendacionesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
Importantes estas recomendaciones que te daré, por favor tomalas en cuenta.
9¿Que es un Broker?Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Recomendaciones" before accessing it.
10¿Que es la Bolsa?Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Recomendaciones" before accessing it.
Otro termino que todo trader o inversionista debe tener muy claro es este, que es La Bolsa.
11Funciones de cada unoSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Recomendaciones" before accessing it.
12Aclaratoria sobre los IndicesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
13Tipo de análisisSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Aclaratoria sobre los Indices" before accessing it.
14¿Que son los Indices Sintéticos?Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Aclaratoria sobre los Indices" before accessing it.
15Tipos de Indices SintéticosSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Aclaratoria sobre los Indices" before accessing it.
Con esta clase culminamos el primer modulo de este entreanamiento. Pero espera tengo algo para tí.
16HerramientasThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
17TradingviewSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
18Metatrader5Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
19Como usar TradingviewSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
205 Tarea tradingviewSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
21Metatrader5 ajustesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
22Metatrader cotizacionesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
23Metatrader gráfico S-1Sorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
24Metatrader tradingSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
25Metatrader ejecutando historialSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
26Metatrader historialSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Herramientas" before accessing it.
27Abrir cuent demo en derivThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
28Vincular metatrader5 con broker DerivThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
29Clase #1 Tipos de ordenesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
30Clase #2 Orden de mercadoSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
31Clase #3 Venta al limiteSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
32Clase #4 Compra al limiteSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
33Clase #5 Venta stopSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
34Clase #6 Compra stopSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
35Clase #7 Resumen de las ordenesSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #1 Tipos de ordenes" before accessing it.
36Clase #8 Stop LossThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
37Clase #9 Take profitSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #8 Stop Loss" before accessing it.
38Clase #10 Brake evenSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #8 Stop Loss" before accessing it.
39Clase #11 Resumen del gráficoSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #8 Stop Loss" before accessing it.
40Clase #12 Práctica en el gráficoSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #8 Stop Loss" before accessing it.
41Clase #13 Prática en el metatraderSorry, this lesson is currently locked. You need to complete "Clase #8 Stop Loss" before accessing it.
42Clase #23 Soportes y resistenciasThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
43Clase #24 Ejercicios soportes y resistenciasThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
44Clase #25 Soportes y resistencias en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
45Clase #26 Líneas de tendenciaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
46Clase #28 Líneas de tendencia en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
47Clase #28 Práctica líneas de tendenciaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
48Clase #29 ¿Qué son velas japonesas?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
49Clase #30 tipo de velas japonesasThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
50Clase #31 partes de una vela japonesaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
51Clase #32 Tipo de velas japonesas 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
52Clase #33 Practica en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
53Clase #34 practicando en el gráfico 2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
54Clase #35 Practicando en el gráfixo 3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
55Clase #36 Spike y drop prácticaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
56Clase #37 ¿Qué son pips?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
57Clase #38 ¿Qué son lotes y lotaje?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
58Clase #39 Lotes y lotaje en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
59Clase #40 Practica pips y lotajeThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
60Clase #41 TemporalidadesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
61Clase #48 Tendencia del mercadoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
62Clase #49 Tendencias del mercado en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
63Clase #50 Ejemplo de tendenciaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
64Clase #51 Estructura del mercado parte 1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
65Clase #52 MicroestructuraThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
66Clase #53 estructura altos y bajosThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
67Clase #54 CHoCh y BoSThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
68Clase #55 ChoCh y BoS en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
69Clase #42 Puntos ImportantesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
70Clase #43 Niveles mágicosThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
71Clase #44 Como usar FobinacciThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
72Clase #45 Zona de poderThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
73Clase #46 ConfiguraciónThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
74PrácticaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
75FractalidadThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
76Fases de un fractalThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
77Buscando fractales en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
78Zonas de poderThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
79Prática fractales en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
80Clase #57 PatronesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
81Clase#58 Patrón NThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
82Clase #59 Patrón retesteoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
83Clase #60 Patrón vela chicaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
84Clase #61 Patrón vela cortadaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
85Clase #62 BrechaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
86Clase #63 Resumen patronesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
87Clase #64 ConfluenciasThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
88Clase #65 Confluencias ejemplo #1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
89Clase #67 Confluencias ejemplo #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
90¿Qué son Order block?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
91¿Qué son Order block? #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
92Order block ejemplo #1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
93Order block ejemplo #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
94Order block ejemplo #3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
95Prática Order blockThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
96Algoritmo interbancario #1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
97Algoritmo interbancario #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
98Algoritmo interbancario #3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
99ImbalancesThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
100Algoritmo interbancario en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
101Algoritmo interbancario en el gráfico #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
102Imbalances #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
103Imbalances #3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
104Imbalances #4This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
105Imbalances #5This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
106Imbalances #6This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
107Imbalances #5This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
108Gestión de riesgoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
109¿Que es la gestión de riesgo?This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
1105 pasos para ganar como trader rentableThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
111Paso #1 Define tu capital inicialThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
112Paso #2 Capital dispuesto a perderThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
113Paso #3 En cuantas operaciones perderé ese %This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
114Paso #4 Capital dispuesto a ganar por díaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
115Resumen primeros 4 pasosThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
116Paso #5 Define tu ratioThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
117Resumen final 5 pasosThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
118Ejercicio de gestión de riesgoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
119ContinuaciónThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
120Tabla excel #1This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
121Tabla excel #2This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
122Tabla excel #3This lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
123Estrategia Triple BoSThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
124Estrategia triple BoS en el gráficoThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
125Estrategia triple BoS resumidaThis lesson is locked because you haven't completed the previous one yet. Finish the previous lesson to unlock this one.
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